They are level 99 and only have one attack, but they can kill with a single blow. The chests will be difficult opponents but will drop coins and give the player easy access to the Golden Key when defeated. It is located in the mountainous area to the east of the Catnip Farm and west of King Lionardo's Ruins. The Hidden Cave is located in Felingard, and has a level 99 requirement. In between the four of them is a chest that must be unlocked with the golden key. The Gentle Suit is level 25 and lowers the cost of magic spells. When the Gentlebros are defeated, the player will be rewarded with a hidden key and shown the location of the Hidden Cave, “The Gentle Suit”, and a trophy titled “Furriend of the People III”. If they are defeated, they reward the player with gold and experience points. Try to slow and wear them down over time. The Gentlebros are fierce opponents, so focus on ranged attacks instead of melee attacks. All four of the Gentlebros have a level of 99, so aim for one within a few levels. Make sure to level up to a high level before starting this battle. After a show of strength and power, players can battle the Gentlebros by going through a portal they conjure. Based upon the developers of the game, the Gentlebros will enjoy messing with the music, threatening the player’s save file, and conjuring NPCs. This review is based on a retail copy of the game provided by the publisher.There are three silly side quests preceding the “This Is It!” side quest. If you’re an RPG fan that has more pictures of your pet than your SO on your camera roll, Cat Quest II might be right up your alley. And, as a side benefit, it’s really easy to find a stopping point, so if you’ve got other stuff going on, it’s easy to turn it off and come back to it without losing a ton of progress. A little much with the puns, you’ve been warned, but it truly is that level of challenging that lets you blow off some steam without losing your mind to frustration. Overall, this really was an enjoyable little game- no stress, low stakes, but still an engaging colorful world with a solid story and unique characters. I think the biggest changes are the addition of the dog kingdom as allies and an increase in detail to the artwork. As one of the people who did NOT play the original, I was curious to see what was different – I was really shocked to see how much was the same, from the map to the enemies to the combat. It would’ve been really interesting to see co-op in action, but unfortunately, I did not get that opportunity.

The big boss fights required a bit more strategy blindly smashing through wasn’t an option, especially as the magic-user Cat King didn’t have the HP to stand up to it and the tank Dog King needed the cat’s cover fire to be most effective. And I never truly used dodge unless it was for a boss. I was too busy stabbing to pay attention.
Playing on the PC I found that a general hack-and-slash approach was enough to get me through exploring and most of my questing without a problem – I didn’t even realize that the red pattern that appeared on the ground underneath an enemy was the range of their attack until the first boss fight. Kit Kat offers armor and weapons upgrades while after a brief encounter with the mages’ guild, they will offer upgrades to the spells, frequently moving locations for the convenience of the player. Kirry waits patiently at whatever landmark will begin the next quest that will further the main narrative, but while a side-quest or two is enough to level the players up for the next boss, there’s so much to explore that completionists will be near to overpowered by the time they get around to it. Very quickly, Cat Quest II resolves itself into the same open-world play that the original offered, with dungeons and sidequests offered openly, with only a recommended level shown before the player accepts the challenge. Familiar characters from the first game- royal advisor Kirry and blacksmith Kit Cat- appear to help guide the duo through their first few adventures. Two ancient kings emerge from limbo to find their kingdoms overrun by monsters and under the thumbs of tyrants. Cat Quest II was released on multiple platforms in mid-September of last year, taking place narratively centuries after the original, now a tale of two heroes instead of one. It was praised for its nostalgic recall of classic RPG mechanics while avoiding some of the tedious grinding necessary to progress through the storyline. Cat Quest was a fairly successful action RPG released by Singapore-based team The Gentlebros in 2017.